The Application of 3D Printing Technology in Medical Endoscopic Accessories

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    The Application of 3D Printing Technology in Medical Endoscopic Accessories

    As medical devices advance towards precision miniaturization, 3D printing technology has become pivotal in fabricating diminutive endoscopic components that can effortlessly penetrate narrow or delicate bodily cavities, reducing patient trauma while delivering high-precision diagnostics and therapy.

    Moreover, this technology, through digitalized design, streamlines the production process of endoscopes, cuts costs, and enables the creation of diversely shaped endoscopes, catering to various medical needs.

    Titanium Components

    For instance, Olympus has harnessed 3D printing to produce compact ultrasonic endoscope housings, while Shanghai Jiao Tong University has developed minuscule cylindrical tubes for single-fiber endoscope scanning probes using this same technology.

    These innovative applications demonstrate the immense potential of 3D printing in enhancing the precision and functionality of endoscope components.

    Additionally, the use of 3D printing in the endoscopy sector is still in the stages of research and prototype manufacturing but has already shown potential for mass production.

    This technology allows for the swift creation of product prototypes, accelerating the research and commercialization process.

    Our company, JH MIM, recently partook in the development of a K-type tee joint using titanium 3D printing. This product, made from 316 stainless steel, boasts excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, meeting the high standards required for medical devices.

    Endoscopic Accessories
    Endoscopic Accessories

    Below are the advantages and disadvantages of three different manufacturing techniques for this product:

    Traditional Manufacturing—CNC Machining:

    Advantages: High precision, suited for complex products requiring precise machining.

    Disadvantages: Long production cycles, high cost, difficulties in machining internal cavities leading to thicker walls and limited internal space.

    MIM Manufacturing:

    Advantages: Suitable for mass production of complex shapes.

    Disadvantages: Requires the creation of molds, making small-scale production costly, and internal structures often cannot be completed in one MIM process, necessitating additional CNC machining, increasing steps and costs.

    titanium molding
    titanium molding

    3D Printing:

    Advantages: Directly prints internal cavities, eliminating the need for additional internal machining, significantly reducing CNC machining time and costs, while allowing for thinner walls and improved performance.

    Disadvantages: Although initial material costs are higher, the savings in machining time and reduced waste make it more cost-effective overall.


    We have employed titanium alloy for 3D printing to further enhance product performance. Titanium alloy not only provides superior strength and corrosion resistance but also has a lower density than stainless steel, reducing product weight by approximately 20%.

    Moreover, the use of titanium alloy not only improves the product’s technical specifications but also enhances its market appeal, helping to increase its selling price and profitability.

    Despite views that 3D printing is primarily used for sample production, our company owns 15 3D printers capable of operating 24/7, fully meeting the demands of mass production. For any inquiries or needs, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    In conclusion, the application of 3D printing technology in the medical endoscope industry has brought about a transformation, enhancing the precision and efficiency of medical devices, while also offering more options for doctors in diagnostics and treatment. This technology is expected to be more widely adopted and promoted in the future.

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